Faracosmetic is a premium retailer trendy, top-quality beauty products for beauty diversity with an affordable price tag. We offer a stocked array of cosmetic products sorted from the leading brands across the world. So, our online showcase allows you to choose from a range of simply stunning products that gets you too glam to give a damn! Our services are dedicated to all our savvy customers and women of color; this is why we greatly align with your aesthetic needs, which empowers you to reinvent with touches and contour without mercy.
Our offerings are never complete without our sensational offers over hundreds of new products every week.
At Faracosmetic, it's about that stunning appearance. It's about the reinvention and enhancement of a beautiful feeling. A feeling capable of animate characters, a feeling of confidence, and irresistible taste. A feeling whose expression knows no bounds! So, Farcosmetic gives the hands of your creativity, everything it needs to make a shine.
Our online store brings you a range of beauty bargains at fantastically discounted prices. All the way from our offices in France and the USA, we extend the beautiful feeling through proficient worldwide home and office delivery so you too can get a GLAM, wherever and whenever!
We are innovation, reliable, finesse: all in one!
Faracosmetic has its core value embedded in the satisfaction of our shoppers. Consequently, we offer a range of cruelty-free brands that inspire and motivate people to make considered choices about the products. For us, the entire experience is about discovery. It's also about empowerment, and the ability to design your craves according to your passions and priorities. So, we travel the miles on your behalf to bring you a world of previously unthinkable opportunities.
We aim to create a digitalized beauty marketplace that accommodates the growing needs of all stakeholders in Africa and across the world. Annexed with our keen sight for innovative technology lies our passionate knack to bridge the gap between low-end beauty seekers with the excellent quality of luxury and high profile brands.
Inspired by the beauty of contemporary African art, Farelle Christine Bikoro has remained committed to promoting the sparks and true essence of African attraction among her compliments— the new generation of young African woman.
She remains undaunted in her strive to empower women through the beauty field and to promote entrepreneurship and expression and pride among women of African heritage. Faracosmetic remains one of her multi-brand concept in reaching out to young African minds around the globe.